Seraphinite from Lake Baikal Siberia
Seraphinite is a heart chakra high vibration healing crystal found only in one area of Lake Baikal in Siberia.
Properties and Facts about Seraphinite:
- Dark green with white/silver feathered shimmering patterns.
- Heart Chakra healing crystal, although some say it heals all chakras.
- A storm element crystal – meaning it incorporates all four elements of earth, air, fire and water.
- This chlorite mineral is a gem variety and also known as Clinochlore – a hydrous magnesium iron aluminum silicate.
- Moh’s hardness: 4
- Crystal System: Monoclinic
- Named Seraphinite because when it was discovered, the founder thought the white feather-like markings looked like angels wings.
- Said to help with healing for cancer and general healing of diseases.
- Can increase spiritual evolution and connect one with higher beings and spiritual guides during meditation.
- Use for relationship building, heart break healing and dispelling fear.
- A crystal to use for self-healing and cell regeneration from surgery and wounds.
- High frequency crystal that can raise kundalini and activate / unlock dormant DNA.
- Helps one understand past life diseases, how they may connect with any current health issues and then releases those blockages.
Personally, the first and second time I worked with Seraphinite I got an intense headache! So when dealing with high vibration crystals, take caution to see if it resonates with your personal energy field and frequency. If it doesn’t feel good to work with, it may not be for you or you can try it again another time when you’ve raised your frequency to a higher vibrational level through time and work. Also remember to also use the appropriate grounding crystals, like black tourmaline and hematite, so you don’t feel so light headed or off.
If you’re interested in working with Seraphinite, check out these energetic and cute baby seraphinite balls I have available in my shop.
Ideas to Use Seraphinite:
- Use a seraphinite wand to unwind and heal heart chakra blockages and trauma.
- Create a crystal grid with seraphinite tumbled stones or a seraphinite tower with quartz points. If you need some crystal grid ideas, check out this past article here and substitute with seraphinite and other crystals you feel called to use.
- Place a seraphinite crystal over your heart or crown chakra during crystal meditations or layouts.
Check out this breath taking photo of the lake where this crystal comes from. This amazing lake has glaciers that radiate a beautiful turquoise glow from it’s ice formations during the winter.

Lastly, check out this interesting article on how this amazing artist created sacred geometry artwork over the frozen ice of Lake Baikal during the winter! Imagine the energy he was creating and how that added vibration was affecting the area and the other crystals still in the ground near the lake!