
A New Magnetic Phenomenon From a Crystal Called Herbertsmithite

MIT scientists have discovered a new magnetic phenomenon called Quantum State Liquid (QSL) in which the particles in a crystal called Herbertsmithite are constantly fluctuating.

Herbertsmithite is an interesting crystal with a “bipolar” disorder (hehe)! It can’t seem to stay in either liquid or solid state when MIT researchers were studying it in the lab when growing it for 10 months.

In MIT’s news story they describe more about the phenomenon in Herbertsmithite:

The QSL is a solid crystal, but its magnetic state is described as liquid: Unlike the other two kinds of magnetism, the magnetic orientations of the individual particles within it fluctuate constantly, resembling the constant motion of molecules within a true liquid.

From what we’ve learned in our science classes, there were two known kinds of magnetism:

  1. Ferromagnetism, the polarity of particles all point in the same direction (like a compass or bar magnet).
  2. Antiferromagnetism, where the polarities cancel each other out.

Ferromagnetism and antiferromagnetism when combined together create the magic of what makes hard drives work. MIT scientists are investigating into using quantum spin liquids for new computer storage and memory technologies in the future.

It’s pretty interesting how these technologies are connected to crystal energy, including the quartz used in computer chips!


  • http://gizmodo.com/5970320/this-weird-crystals-magnetic-behavior-works-like-magic
  • http://newsoffice.mit.edu/2012/mit-researchers-discover-a-new-kind-of-magnetism-1219
  • http://www.extremetech.com/extreme/143782-mit-discovers-a-new-state-of-matter-a-new-kind-of-magnetism