
Raise Your Vibration Healing Smoothie Recipe

Try this rock star smoothie to help raise your vibration, improve your health and increase your intuitive abilities.

You can use whatever blender that works for you. I use a Nutribullet. I also prefer to use organic ingredients where possible to try to avoid pesticides and toxins as much as possible from entering my diet. Some of the ingredients in this recipe help with decalcifying your pineal gland, stimulating your third eye chakra, removing heavy metals from your system, improving your hair, nails and skin, and providing overall beneficial vitamins and minerals.

Raise Your Vibration Healing Smoothie Ingredients List:

  • 4-5 organic mango chunks (fresh or frozen)
  • 4-5 organic strawberries (fresh of frozen)
  • 1 small handful of organic blueberries (fresh or frozen)
  • 1 handful of organic spinach, kale or mixed greens
  • Dash of organic ground cinnamon
  • Dropper squirt of Bee Propopolis (Or you can find some at your local Whole Foods)
  • 1/8 tsp of Etherium Gold Powder (I use Harmonic Innerprizes)
  • 1 tsp of Zeolite Powder
  • 1 scoop of Vibrant Health Green Vibrance Powder
  • 1 tsp of organic chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup of organic rice or almond milk
  • 1/4 cup of natural spring water
  • 1 tablespoon of silica gel (I like to use Hubner)
  • Raw unfiltered honey to taste (optional)
  • 1-3 drops of your favorite gem elixir or gem essence (optional)

Add ingredients in your blender’s cup or pitcher.

Before adding the lid to blend the ingredients, I like to place my dominant hand over the cup/blender pitcher and set an intention for the smoothie to nourish me with only goodness and love from the vitamins and nutrients in the ingredients. I “bless” my food to make sure that nothing toxic or harmful may harm me or give me food poisoning.

Then I add the lid and blend away. While I do this, I place both hands on the cup or blender pitcher and mentally set intentional words of love, enlightenment and health. I also usually add etheric crystal energy to my smoothies and choose crystals that I feel I need for my day.


Pour your smoothie into your favorite cup, mason jar, margarita glass or martini glass. The fancier you get with your cup, the more celebratory you will feel when drinking this smoothie… heck, you may even want to raise your glass and cheers to better health! Lastly, add a fun garnish if you want to get more fancy or if you’re serving this for family and friends! Suggestions could include watermelon hearts, strawberry slices or orange smiles! Choose whatever makes you happy!

Remember, you can choose to add or omit ingredients to your liking with this recipe. Also feel free to use intentional words that suit your needs while blending away the ingredients. The key factor during preparing these smoothies is to come from a heart-centered space with the intention of raising your vibration towards better overall health.

Let me know how it works for you! Please leave me a comment and share any recipes that you love making for smoothies! Do you have any favorite ingredients that you add to your drinks?


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