Quartz Crystal with Epidote

Quartz with Epidote Inclusions

The beneficial properties and ways to use Quartz with Epidote


1) Amplified healing for regeneration and recovery from surgeries, illnesses, tumors, cysts, stress and energy blockages.

2) A protective, guardian crystal for your home, possessions and family.

3) A heart chakra crystal for purifying the emotions and connecting to the Earth for transmutation.

4) A crystal to strengthen family and ancestral connections and to enforce a sense of community amongst organized groups.

5) Enhances wood elemental energy of the East.

6) Connects one to the Earth, nature and elementals.

7) It’s green color energy assists with abundance, prosperity and manifestation.

8) A great crystal to use for dreamwork, sleep healing and dream interpretation.

9) Sometimes this crystal is also called Dream Quartz, Reiki Quartz and Green Earth Keeper Quartz.


Tips for using Quartz with Epidote Inclusions

1) Use a tower version of this crystal in a crystal grid as the center generating piece. Surround this crystal with aventurine, jade and clear quartz. Set a healing intention for the grid and activate it with your favorite crystal wand.

2) Use in crystal healing for removing energy blockages, psychic surgery and for healing the chakras.

3) Use outdoors in meditation to connect with the Earth’s energies. A great crystal to use while on a hike in nature or while meditating in your garden.

4) A great crystal to use in the garden with your trees, plants, fruits and vegetable plants, to help provide growth and love energies.

5) Use as an activation wand (if you have a point) to provide healing energies to your food and beverage, or for your food during an outdoor picnic.


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