Crystals to Connect with Ancestors and Spirit Guides
The end of October and beginning of November is a time when many believe the veil between dimensions is thin. A time where one can connect with their passed loved ones, ancestors, spirits and guides more easily. If you dig deeper into ancient traditions online, you’ll learn why Halloween, Samhain and the Day of the Dead are considered the best time to connect with your ancestors and how these holidays came about.
Ancestors come in different forms: ones of spirit who may have been guiding you throughout lifetimes, ones that are blood related, and others that are related to location that may have lived at your current place of residence. This article will help provide you with some crystal suggestions to allow one a better connection with their ancestors during this time of year.

Your Energy is Unique
As I’ve said in past blog articles, everyone’s energies are different. So, kits and guides given online may not entirely work for everyone. Feel free to experiment with these suggestions, or choose crystals you feel called to use.
When doing work to connect with your ancestors for the first time, I highly suggest you start first with crystals that help get you into a calm state during meditation or dream work. Lepidolite, Fluorite and Amethyst help bring inner calm.
Being in the right frame of mind is key to help you easily connect. Use crystals that have given you dreams in the past. I find those work to help me connect best. (*If you don’t know which crystals these are, keep working with them daily during meditation or dream work so you get familiar with their energies.)
***NOTE – Don’t depend on the crystals alone and expect them to help you connect easily! They are a tool, but not a magic pill. I believe the easiest way to connect with your passed loved ones, ancestors or spirit guides is to simply just ASK! And to ask with a heart filled with good intention, gratitude and love. Set an intention before meditation or dream work to connect with them and ask them to give you any messages that would be most beneficial to you at that time.
Crystals to Connect with Ancestors and Spirit Guides
Here is what I have worked with personally that worked for me:
- Amethyst (preferrably with upside down triangle record keepers)
- Lepidolite
- Quartz (with a Time Portal link face on it).
- Celestite
- Merlinite
- Lapis Lazuli
- Selenite
- Charoite
When using these crystals, make sure you have a grounding and protection crystal between your feet. I recommend Hematite, Nuummite or Black Tourmaline.
Other suggestions I’ve learned about but have not tried (or didn’t work for me personally) include: obsidian, snowflake obsidian, shattuckite, leopardskin jasper, opal, picasso jasper, golden labradorite, seraphinite, petalite, prehnite, apophyllite, phenacite, herkimer diamonds and danburite.
Don’t Underestimate the Power of Flowers
Lastly, I have to rave about using essential oils during meditation and dream work. Blue lotus oil is by far, hands down, my favorite and most effective dream and meditation oil! The ancient Egyptians revered the use of this oil and I completely understand why!
I simply add a dab of the oil on my pulse points, under my noise and on my third eye area before meditation or sleep. I’ve been able to have vivid dreams and connect with my guides and ancestors much more easily when using this oil while sleeping with my crystals. Try it out and see if it works for you!
So crystal rock stars! Try out these suggestions below and really follow your gut instinct and intuition on what to use to help you connect. Don’t put too much expectation or pressure on yourself if nothing happens right away. Just like all things in life, practice helps you become better!
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