
Crystal Levitation Via Sound Waves

Other than crystals, one of my favorite topics of interest is about levitation! When I was a child, I would contemplate how amazing it would be to levitate. Even as an adult, I have the most vivid dreams about being in magical tropical worlds, levitating and flying high in the sky!

There is speculation that the Coral Castle in Florida and the famous Egyptian pyramids were formed by levitation via the use of magnetic waves that interacted with the properties of quartz in the giant stone slabs. I also put up a blog post about a talented yogi who levitates quartz crystal balls (which is the coolest thing ever!).

Recently, the video featured below was released showing the experimental studies performed by Japanese scientists who used sound wave energy to levitate particles of sand. Videos about cymatics (the study of sound and vibration) are rampant on YouTube and usually show particles of sand creating sacred geometry shapes based on different frequencies. But this recent video takes cymatics to a spectacular level by displaying how sound waves can contribute to levitation of particles.

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