
Crystal Healing – Exploring It’s Various Perspectives

There are so many perspectives and vibrational energy healing modalities shared and taught online and in books that it can get quite overwhelming and confusing.

Some work with their intuition and their personal guides, others have given info that has been channeled by higher beings or angels, and others take a more scientific by the book approach. As our generation continues to awaken consciously, more information from the collective consciousness will be revealed at the right time for each person, as meant for their intended soul path.

What I’m trying to say is, for my own personal experience, I feel that different modalities may work with some and not as effectively for others because each person is different and holds a certain frequency that is constantly changing. This also relates to crystal healing and how some say they don’t feel any temperature or tingling sensations while working with a crystal, or some feel a typically “prescribed” crystal doesn’t work for their issue.

Crystals accelerate energy and help awaken our consciousness by aligning and raising our frequencies to best serve our highest self at that present moment. Some people may expect results to work like prescribed medication and expect their situation to magically change instantly. When quick results don’t occur right away or if someone doesn’t feel anything, sometimes those feelings of doubt may affect your intentional mindset, and as a result, nothing will happen.

From what I’ve learned so far, crystals are tools, but the true power lies within your heart and mind – through your intentions and the emotions that fuel those intentions to make things happen for you.

Here are some common questions and perspectives on crystal healing and energy healing that people seek to find clarity about.

What’s listed here are not rules you should abide by, but rather a discussion on what I resonate with and other perspectives that are out there regarding crystal healing and energy work:

1) The Weight of Ions


According to respected crystal healing author, Christa Burka, amethyst and fluorite should not be kept close together because chelation starts to happen between the two stones.  Fluorite ions are denser in weight then amethyst ions. Fluorite will start to absorb the lighter ions of an amethyst crystal and resultantly drain the amethyst of its vitality. It is recommended to keep these crystals separate from each other and preferably in different rooms.

What are your thoughts on this? I’ve currently removed my fluorite from my gem tray with amethyst and now they’re in separate rooms. This perspective just makes me think, how are all my other crystals acting and reacting to each other in a gem tray or within a mojo bag? Are some draining others?


2) Pendulum Perspectives


There seems to be a lot of differing views on the use of pendulums out there from:

  • Advising against its use due to outside unseen negative influence.
  • Using wood versions only because crystals cut chakra energy centers.
  • Using specific shapes that have energetic powers influenced by ancient Egyptian healing practices.
  • Using a crystal pendulum that you resonate with most.

I’ve tried pendulums using lapis lazuli, quartz, rose quartz, super seven cacoxenite and amethyst in intuitive and energy healing work. I find that lighter weight crystals are more easily influenced and responsive, while lapis lazuli feels dense and not as responsive due to it’s weight and make-up. The super seven pendulum that I’ve tried working with was so extremely responsive that I decided to share them in my shop and have been my best sold out seller due to it’s rarity and responsiveness.

What are your thoughts on using pendulums? Have you tried or prefer wood versions, and if so, do you notice a difference? For pendulum users out there (any material), what shape do you prefer most based on your experience? I really like using a merkaba shaped one during healing and divination because it’s points provide more definite direction during readings.


3) To Program or Not to Program


During the 2014 online Crystal Telesummit, Christa Burka mentioned that crystals don’t require programming because they are of a higher frequency and ultimately know what to do. There are others that feel that programming a crystal to work for a certain purpose is something that can be done. I resonate with both and feel that heart space intentional energies can work synchronistically with crystals and energy medicine to help manifest what we need.

What are your thoughts on programming crystals? Do you just let them do their thing or do you give them some intentional boosting?

4) Cleansing Techniques


First, let’s just say, there are so many cleansing techniques recommendations out there.

Easiest Cleansing Suggestions I Personally Like:


You can cleanse your crystals by exposing them to high frequency (loud) sound from a crystal sound bowl, tibetan sound bowl, tingsha bells or simply by placing them near a speaker that plays classical music or soothing music that resonates with you. A few minutes of cleansing is sufficient.

Breath and Intent 

Hold the crystal in your dominant writing hand. Set an intention in your mind to clear the crystal of any negative energies and that those energies be transmuted into positive energy for the highest good. Take a deep breathe and blow onto the crystal while envisioning positive energy emanating out of your heart through the crystal to cleanse it.

(*Btw – I recently read in Judy Hall’s “Earth Blessings” book that she doesn’t recommend breath cleansing because if you’re not aligned/pure in your being and thoughts, the cleansing will not be effective. This does ring a bell with me, so if you decide to try this method, practice some self cleansing first via smudging, selenite/kyanite aura sweeping and getting into theta state.)

Other Cleansing Methods:

These are other methods that are recommended out there, but may require time, resources and may not be suitable for your crystal’s mineral make-up.

Sage / Cedar / Palo Santo Smudge 

Burn any of these in dried form and have the smoke surround the crystal and carry the negative energies away.

Some say that one should smudge with cedar to remove the unwanted energies and that sage is meant to welcome and seal in energies that are already there. So if you smudge with sage alone, you’re basically keeping the negative funk in your space and not really getting rid of it. I’ve tried cedar a little bit before, but it’s a pain in the butt to burn because it has a super fast burn time. You keep having to light it and it gets frustrating. I’m going to explore working with this modality some more in a home made cedar spray format and see how things go.

I do love burning palo santo for it’s healing properties. However, sage wins for overall longest burn time. What do you prefer using and what teachings and thoughts do you have regarding the types of materials to use when smudging your space and crystals?

Sun / Moon Charging and Cleansing 

Lay the crystals out in the sun to charge and cleanse. I only do this for a few minutes because the sun can fade a crystal’s colors. The moon has gentler energy, but is more related to charging the crystals rather than cleansing them.

They say that common crystals like amethyst, citrine and rose quartz can fade. But I feel like many others can fade as well if left in the sun for too long. As for moon charging, I used to really get into this, but would sometimes question if crystals really needed to be outside under the moonlight (which is basically sunlight reflecting on the moon). If you divulge and read upon on some perspectives about the moon’s origin and our planet’s history, it may affect your beliefs in the whole moon worship and charging thing.

All I know is, the forces of gravity are stronger during the full moon and since gravity permeates everywhere, I feel like I don’t really need to lug out all my crystals outside (which can be a pain if you’ve ever tried it and have a lot of crystals). I feel like the energies will come through anyways and nature is stronger than we know. My life is all about simplification and making things easier – the path of least resistance.

What are your thoughts on sun/moon charging and working with the monthly cycles of energies?


A quick wash with water is fine but do not submerge non-quartz crystals for a long time in water (this includes sodalite, labradorite, moonstone). If crystals are used on others in healing sessions, I think a good wipe down or quick wash is good to remove unwanted body oils (but only do this if the crystal isn’t toxic or has a low moh’s hardness).

As for water type, in the energetic realm of things, spring water is my number one choice. Tap water, with it’s fluoride and chemicals is a big no-no. I’ve tried growing salt and borax crystals with it or growing kombucha with boiled tap water and nothing happens. It’s good proof you should also consider what water you drink on a daily basis, because tap water affects the toxicity in your body, your pineal gland and your overall health.

So if you feel called to give your crystals a bath, make it a quick one and think about the water you use.

Salt / Brown Rice / Earth

Bury the crystals in sea salt, brown organic rice or dirt. I don’t like to keep buying lots of salt or rice, or getting my crystals dirty in the ground (since I don’t have a private backyard… and I don’t want toxic fertilizers or animal urine on my crystals – hey you never know right?), so I personally don’t do this method. Some crystals don’t do well in salt or salt water, so I don’t personally use this method either. Plus, I don’t want to waste a bunch of salt or brown rice, so this method is not economical to me. Have you tried this method and does it work for you?

Other Crystals as Super Cleansers

Then there’s the info out there about crystals like selenite, citrine and kyanite never needing cleansing and their ability to cleanse other crystals instantaneously. Whenever I touch selenite, I feel like it’s energy is constant and powerful. I’ve been recently touching my crystals to my titanium black kyanite piece to instantly cleanse my crystals. It feels like the easy way to do things and I’m all about minimal effort. I have to tap in more though and ask my higher self what is really going on.

How about you? Do you resonate with “cleansing crystals” or have you felt a difference using this method? Or are you more of a sage or sound cleanser type person?

Overall, use your best judgement and what resonates with you the best as your method for cleansing!


5) Physical versus Etheric Crystal Energy


So here’s a topic that I’ve been intrigued about for a while. Crystals are energy that have materialized into dense elements in our 3D state, but they also say that crystals also possess etheric energy unseen to the regular eye that assists with healing our auric layers and are present on higher dimensions.

I’ve been on an inner struggle lately, trying to avoid becoming a crystal hoarder, thinking about only using crystals that feel called out to me that I should work with (instead of massively collecting everything out there) and battling the 3D ego state of needing material things (in this case crystals) to make me feel complete. I also have this empathic side that makes me wonder about mining practices, the people working the mines and what Gaia is really feeling (but that’s a whole other story).

In case you didn’t know, I’ve also been attuned to etheric crystal energy and I use it in my daily healing work. I use my inner power to infuse crystal energy into my morning smoothies, into other crystals as boosters and for protective etheric grid work. At first I was skeptical about this attunement, but after working with it some more, it just felt more practical and useful to me than having to spend money on more crystals, having to wear/tape/carry crystals all the time or being too dependent on physical crystals as an “energetic crutch” instead of believing in my own inner healing powers.

I’ve used etheric crystal energy for self-protection in public places or while traveling and let me tell you, the last time I did it while traveling internationally, I did not get sick (compared to in the past when I wasn’t aware of crystal energy benefits during travel).

What are your thoughts on physical versus etheric crystal energy? Do you believe it exists? Do you ever have thoughts about not wanting to crystal hoard?


6) Aura Crystals vs Natural Crystals, Then Raw vs Tumbled

Tanzan Indigo Aura Quartz Crystal Cluster

So there’s definitely opinionated sides in the crystal healing world on thoughts of using natural versus infused/manipulated aura crystals. Some people believe infused crystals are more powerful (with some tests done that show this proof) and others prefer only natural crystals. When I first started getting into crystal healing, I was powerfully drawn to aqua aura quartz. I believe it’s beauty and energy lured me into the crystal healing realm to open my mind, awaken me and help me learn more about this healing modality.

I personally have no feelings against aura crystals and the empathic side of me feels like I should love them just the same as natural crystals. I feel like they couldn’t help that they were altered. They had crystal energy and healing power to begin with but were subjected to additional elemental layers beyond their control. It’s kind of like accepting the three legged dog that underwent surgery and loss it’s leg. Deep down it’s still an unconditionally loving dog.

I see aura quartz and titanium kyanite as crystals that are like the mutant X-Men fighters in the crystal healing world. They have extra powers that can help for the higher good if you keep that intention in your heart. Also, if you ever read up on any books about the crystals used during the times of Atlantis (of course if you resonate with that whole civilization), there were so many “created” and “modified” crystals that were powerful.

What are your thoughts on aura crystals versus natural? Do you have a preference over the two? Have you worked with aura crystals and have you noticed any increase in energy?

Lastly, I recently posted a question on my Facebook page about whether or not people prefer raw or tumbled crystals. Most of the revered experts out there prefer raw. Those that replied to my social posts said they prefer both. I’m a very tactile type person, so I like the smooth feel of tumbled or polished spheres or heftier palm stones. But I also prefer my quartz , citrine and amethyst to be in point or cluster form with it’s natural beauty, it’s unique face configurations, it’s imperfections and any inclusions. Each quartz is unique and it’s like finding the beauty in each person that comes into your life. No one is perfect, but you can learn to love them anyway.


So I hope you’ve enjoyed this extensive little journey into the different perspectives of crystal healing. There is so much information and multiple perspectives out there to absorb and it can get overwhelming. But one central point that most all agree is that you should believe in what your higher self and intuition says is right for you. Since we are all unique and have our own distinct frequencies, there is no one answer solution that covers everyone’s needs. Instead, take this as an opportunity for self exploration and discovering what works for your own inner healing.