Shungite Crystals for EMF Protection, Healing and Grounding
Shungite Crystal
Are you a lover of multi-purpose tools? Choosing the right tools in your life to help with different purposes are more useful and cost effective! This includes choosing and working with crystals that work for different issues. There are so many crystals out there and it can be overwhelming on one’s budget. So it’s a positive thing to work with crystals that can help out in many ways.
One of most beneficial crystals I believe that you can work with is Shungite.
Shungite can be a crystal ally that can help provide you with healing, balance and grounding energies.

Shungite can only be found in Russia and there are two types: the more common darker low grade type and the shinier silver type. The higher quality shungite is also called silver shungite, noble shungite or elite shungite.
These are considered the better quality shungite because they have a 70-94% carbon content rating containing more fullerenes (more on this below). Noble shungite comes from the Zazhoginskoye deposit, near Lake Onega, in the Shunga region of Karelia, North West of Russia.
Fullerenes are carbon based molecules that form into a spherical shape and are only found naturally in shungite. Inside this molecular sphere contains – nothing – just a vacuum of space where electromagnetic energy resides.
Although this rare crystal is not magnetic, the electromagnetic energy that exists in crystals is an important aspect of it’s healing properties. Read more about this here on my post about Crystal Energy and Magnetism.
Properties and Tips on How to Work with Shungite:
- Shungite can shield you from harmful electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) and electromagnetic radiation from computers, microwaves, cell phones and other electronics.
- I like to surround my wifi router with 4 pieces of shungite. You can do this around your wifi router at home or in the office. You can also place a piece of shungite near your computer as well. I also like wearing shungite protective bracelets when working on the computer or if I’m using my cell phone for a long time. (*Check out this past post if you want to learn more about why every rock star like you needs an energetic bodyguard.)
- This crystal absorbs negative energies and provides aura protection for your mental, emotional and physical layers.
- Can purify the energies in water and infuse it with healing energies. Shungite was discovered in the 1700’s. During those times, the Czar Peter discovered that the healing spring waters in Shunga, Russia came from the shungite in the ground. He added shungite into his drinking water for purification and healing. This practice passed on to his family members and those that worked under him.
- Drinking shungite water can decrease histamine in the bloodstream and reduce allergy symptoms. I like putting a noble shungite piece in my mug whenever my sinuses or allergies start acting up.
- Has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties (due to the fullerenes) and can improve one’s immune system by purifying your water.
At home, I like to place a shungite crystal in my shower filter for it’s purifying properties. Being in the shower filter, it also provides anti-aging skin benefits (reduces wrinkles, improves elasticity) and heals skin problems. - Said to be around 2 billion years old and is deeply rooted in the Earth’s energies. Wearing shungite can help provide grounding and root your base chakra into the Earth.