Increase Your Vibration with a Beach and Crystal Vacation! Part 2
After the last part one article, I put things to the test and went on an actual beach and crystal vacation! It was a dream of mine to finally experience the energies of ancient Lemuria. I traveled to the Philippines, to the islands of Boracay and Palawan. It is said that the 7,107 islands of the Philippines are actually remnants of the ancient continent of Lemuria, and that Palawan is home to a major hyperspace energy portal!

After my transformative trip to the islands of the Philippines, I want to share how you can also connect with beach, ocean and island nature energies while on a magical vacation.
Tap Into Nature via Meditation
Step 1: Situate Yourself
1) Lay or sit on the sand on a chakra boosting colored beach towel or sarong wrap and listen to the rhythm of the waves to lull you into a relaxing meditation. This can also be done on a beach lounger if you prefer. But laying on the sand will give you maximum grounding effects.
2) If you have the opportunity to do a scenic hike on your trip (depending on your location), why not meditate by a large tree or sit on a tree stump or park bench (if available). I would only do this if you’re not afraid of creepy crawlies and you can find a safe spot without too many people walking by or distractions.

Step 2: Let Your Crystals Join the Meditation Party
– Depending on your location, grab your favorite crystal that you brought in your travel pack and hold it in your hand or lay it above your heart or third eye chakras if you are lying down.
– If you’re wearing a crystal pendant or ring, you have it easy and can start your meditation right away (if you wish to work with those energies).
– If you’re by the beach, there may be seashells or coral pieces nearby, grab one that resonates with you and hold it in your receptive hand (the opposite of your writing hand).
– If you happen to have a Lemurian Quartz Crystal, you can even stick it in the ground or sand (like how I intuitively decided to do as shown in the photo below) and have the point go up towards the sky. Then sit or lay beside your crystal while you do the meditation. If you sit beside it, you can hover your hands above the point if you wish to feel it’s energies. When I did this in the photo, I felt like I was reconnecting the crystal to it’s home to gather more info!

– Here are some other crystal suggestions to use depending on what you want to achieve with your vacation meditation:
Amethyst = relaxation, clearing your mind of troubles
Citrine = Maintain an optimistic and energetic frame of mind during your trip.
Rose Quartz = Perhaps you want to boost self-love, self-esteem, gratitude and compassion during your “me time”?
*I’ve chosen quartz based crystals here in case they get wet from the water by the beach. Try not to keep the crystals out too long in the sun as they may fade.
Step 3: Let the Connection Begin!

a) Ground yourself to Mother Earth by visualizing a golden or silver cord radiating down your tailbone and connecting to the crystal core of the planet. Then connect your crown chakra by visualizing golden white light beaming down into your body from Source energy. Feel free to use any other method you prefer here if you want to.
b) Inhale and exhale deeply seven times and keep your eyes closed as you relax each part of your body starting from head to toe. Imagine the golden white light flow into the crown of your head and smooth out all tensions from your body.
c) Now let your intuition guide you and channel the energies of your surroundings and the Earth into your body through the cord you created in part a). Connect with these energies and allow them to penetrate through your body and aura to provide you with healing energy. Have these energies rise up to your crown chakra and then flow like a fountain and waterfall back down into the Earth. Continue with this energy cycling and set an intention that you want to manifest for yourself with this meditation. Increase your vibration and awareness by feeling the ocean breeze, the sun’s rays and the ocean’s water energies surround your entire being.
d) Take as long as you need and express gratitude and joy towards your surroundings. Radiate feelings of love and gratitude for being able to be on vacation to relax, to contemplate, to love yourself and to experience the healing energies of the Earth. If you happen to be within the vicinity of where ancient Lemuria once was (or still could be – as some say it is on another plane), contemplate on those energies and notice if any images, thoughts or imprints come to mind that may help you remember anything about this spiritually advanced civilization.
e) Once you feel your meditation is complete, inhale and exhale deeply seven times again, wiggle your hands and toes, and then stand up into a full stretch while swinging your arms into the sky like an angel. Widen your auric field in this arm swoop and then complete this meditation full circle by closing your hands in prayer (or in your favorite hand mudra) above your heart chakra.
Tada! Vacation Meditation complete! Feel free to jot any notes in your meditation/dream journal if you have it with you and repeat as needed!
If you haven’t read Part 1 of this article series yet, check it out over here.
Check out part 3 of this article series where I give some tips on which crystals I found helpful to make my vacation the most blissful experience ever!