Improve the Energy in Your Home Using Crystals
Your home is a special place where you can find solace, rest and security. It is considered your sacred space where you can get away from the external energies of the public world. Depending on if you live alone, with other family members or with roommates, the energy level and vibration of your home can vary day to day.
Because energy is in constant motion and can change in frequency, this same fact applies to the energy flowing throughout your home. The energy in one’s home can change from things like – if you had guests over, or an argument in the house took place, or if things get a little cluttered around the home.
It’s important to clear the unwanted funk or bad energies in your home so that you can live more comfortably. Not clearing the energies can result in a home feeling uncomfortable, dense or that feeling that you can’t get any rest or feel relaxed.
Here are a few tips to improve the energy in your home using crystals and other natural modalities.
1) Allow Flow
First get some fresh air in the room to allow the funky energy to escape outside. Open the windows and let light shine through! Prana energy and wind are always good things to increase the vibration and flow.
2) Clear the Air
Next, clear the air in the room with smudge, sage spray, cedar spray, burn a candle or turn on your diffuser and add sage, palo santo or cedar wood essential oils to it for clearing.
3) Tidy Up
Take a few minutes to clear up the clutter in the room, wipe down surfaces, remove the trash and vacuum/sweep the floors from debris. A dirty place is never a clean feeling place.
4) Music Moves Energy
Next, play some happy feeling music so that it’s positive frequencies permeate the air and increase the vibration of the room. If you’ve ever gone shopping in the mall these days, notice how they play upbeat music to put everyone in a happy mood while shopping. If you prefer, you can also play classical music, meditation music or sound bowl tracks on YouTube. If you own a sound bowl, play it for a bit to let the sound fill the room.
5) Crystal Rock Party Time!
Ok, so now the fun part you’ve been waiting for. Incorporate crystals in your sacred space to increase the vibration of your home. Crystals are powerful Earth allies that are scientifically known to have a dominant oscillary rate that can instantly improve the vibrations of a room and provide influential energies to your own auric layers.
Below is a list of crystal decor ideas that you can use to turn your home from blah to spa! Who doesn’t want to come home to a “Zen Den” right?
Once you’ve chosen which ones you want to incorporate into your home from the list below, remember to check out this crystal cleansing article to clear your crystals before adding them throughout your home.
Crystal Clusters
Crystal clusters radiate energy in all directions and are great to use as centerpieces on a table, or placed on a shelf or fireplace mantle. Quartz clusters bring general good energy, Amethyst clusters help purify energies and Celestite clusters are good for improving communication in a room and to provide serenity.
Crystal Gridding
Gridding the room with crystals creates an energetic boundary that helps transmute energies within the intended grid. Some examples people love to use include Black Tourmaline, Selenite and Halite (salt) on the four corners of their home. You can even grid your main door way if you’d like to purify any energies entering your home from visitors and residents of the home. I personally like to put a large black tourmaline by the door and I’ve seen this commonly done with many shops here in the Los Angeles area.
Crystal Spheres
Like clusters, crystal spheres or crystal balls, also radiate energy, but more so in an equal radiating manner. I’ve recently been attracted to collecting spheres to increase the vibration of my home. Their added bonus is that they are great to hold in meditation or while sleeping to encourage vivid dreaming. Angelite, rose quartz or amethyst spheres are good crystal ideas to provide relaxation in any room, especially the bedroom. Quartz, carnelian, pyrite and rainbow moonstone spheres are good choices to include in a family room, work space or kitchen to encourage good energy and creative influence. You can place the sphere on the coffee table, side table, mantle place, shelf or wherever you feel will work best for your space.
Crystal Lamps

Lamps bring light frequencies in a room and can improve the mood in any space. Incorporating crystal lamps provide double benefits since they add light to a room while also radiating it’s crystal energies! Himalayan salt lamps are great for releasing negative ions in the air that are known to provide healing and clearing. I have a himalayan salt lamp in the bedroom that also works as a good night light when needed.
Selenite lamps are also great because they raise the vibration of any room since they are high vibration crystals. I love selenite lamps lit up because they radiate such a gentle glow and are brighter than himalayan salt lamps. Selenite also has aura clearing and crystal cleansing properties, so large selenite lamps are great for sealing your aura on the fly. If you’ve read my previous blogs, you know I’m all about multi-purpose crystals because they make life so much more efficient!
When I come home from being out in a public environment, I love placing each of my hands on a selenite lamp or two to give me an instant recharge and auric sealing. I feel it instantly and I highly recommend you try it! You can also use the lamp to recharge and clear your bracelets after wearing them throughout the day. I also like using the colored selenite lamps I offer in my shop because you can add color healing into your home to increase it’s vibration. Colors have healing frequencies, so keep that in mind as well when decorating your home with color and plants!
Crystal Chimes

Crystal chimes are an excellent idea to place around the doorway or hung in front of the door. Some people like the door to hit the chimes upon entering, as some believe the sound from the crystals clanging can notify inhabitants that someone has arrived, while also adding sound frequencies for clearing.
Sacred Spa
Since your bathroom has an intended purpose for cleansing, adding crystals in there is also a good idea. Amethyst clusters can help purify energies. Amethyst and rose quartz are also great to have on hand if you like to take relaxing baths. For those of you that practice feng shui, they say that the toilet drains energy from a home. So if you believe in that, make sure to keep the toilet cover closed. You can also add grounding river rocks on top of the toilet tank, around the tub or sink areas (which is something my hubby intuitively decided to do).
Crystals in Your Sacred Space
Lastly, incorporate crystals into your sacred space or meditation altar. All crystals have different purposes, so select ones that you feel intuitively called upon for your intended purpose. You can arrange your crystals in a crystal grid, in an intention bowl or tray, surround them around candles or a fountain, or simply lay them about with other things that you treasure.
All these tips can also be applied to your office space, car (smaller crystal bags are better to use) or enclosed room space that you encounter on a regular basis. Just remember to focus your mindset on a positive and clearing intention for the unwanted energies to release themselves from your home.
After you’ve tried any of these tips and increased the vibration of your own personal space, hop on over to the Crystal Rock Star Facebook page and share a photo of the crystals in your home! You may also share any other ideas you have for incorporating crystals into your space to raise it’s vibration!