Crystals for the Solstice New Moon
This year, the Winter Solstice lands on the same day as the December New Moon. This time represents a midpoint between light and dark for the calendar year and also the moon cycle. Just to share, here are the times of the solstice and new moon for today:
- Solstice – Sunday, December 21, 2015 – 3:03PM PST (Mon 12/22 – 1:35AM Greenwich time)
- New Moon – Sunday, December 21, 2015 – 5:36PM PST
During this time, we transition from a time of darkness into increased light. This seasonal midpoint is where we can focus on our intentions and work on planting the seeds towards achieving balance. Many ancient cultures understood the power of the solstices and there are numerous archaeological stone structures around the world that are aligned with the solstice points.
I noticed that throughout the year, I’ve been gravitating towards certain crystals that focus on this theme that support me in finding balance. Crystals that help balance my polarities, my chakras and my auric energies. Crystals that reveal and help me accept my shadow self and my awakening self.
Crystals for the Winter Solstice New Moon
Below is a short list of crystals that I’ve worked with to find balance. Because of this energetic time during the year, I feel these can also be especially helpful during this Winter Solstice New Moon period. These crystals align the energy centers and activate more than one chakra at a time because of their metaphysical and mineral properties. Take some time to work with your crystals and practice patience and awareness to better understand and appreciate their energies.
Indigo Gabbro
Also known as Mystic Merlinite, this crystal piqued my interest heavily when I was instructed by my guides in dream state about it’s potency and protective qualities. I was told it was more protective for me than hematite and black tourmaline (which are considered two popular grounding and protection crystals). Now note, crystal energies work different for everybody, so what may work for me, may be different for you. Just experiment and work with them to see how they affect you.
Indigo gabbro aka Mystic Merlinite Sphere Indigo gabbro is found in Madagascar and I recently had a convo with a fellow crystal healer about the connection to Lemuria and crystals from Madagascar. If you’ve read my past articles, you’ll know I have a strong affinity towards Lemuria and it’s healing history.
Indigo gabbro contains numerous minerals which may include feldspar, chlorite, serpentine, muscovite, pyroxene, hercynite, olivine, chrome garnet, actinolite, and biotite. It can also contain valuable amounts of chromium, nickel, cobalt, gold, silver, platinum, and copper sulfides.
If you look at this crystal in sphere form under the sunlight, it looks like the planet Earth in the palm of your hand. Under sunlight the greens and blues shine forth. Under indoor light, the crystal looks quite different with lavender blues and black being the more prominent coloration.
Indigo Gabbro works on the crown, third eye and root chakras. It reveals the unhidden, let’s the energies flow through you from your upper chakras and down to your base chakras. It releases negative patterns and awakens your intuitive abilities. Indigo gabbro is a great crystal to work with for shadow work, soul retrieval and awakening past life memories. I love using this crystal in protection and intuition boosting crystal grids.
Orange Elestial
Elestial quartz has powerful energy and hidden secrets. I love the mystery of this crystal because it’s cracks and crevices hold information and memories that beckon to be unlocked by dream work and meditation. When I was first getting into crystals, I wasn’t attracted to elestial quartz. But they say it’s a crystal type for more experienced crystal healers, so as you work with crystals more, take note if you start noticing it more.
Rough elestials are not a pretty crystal at face value. But once you start appreciating crystals for their inner worth and their soul support, elestial crystals may start calling your attention. Elestial crystals are considered crystal libraries that can give one access to information acquired during the long geologic ages of the crystal’s formation, including metaphysical information gathered during the period of crystalline growth.
Elestials are high vibration crystals that can give you clarity to your life’s path. This crystal can help remove blocks, release fears, balance polarities and bring about quick change in your life. Elestial Quartz can help release emotional burdens while bringing clearing energies and healing.
Metaphysically, Elestial Quartz contains an inner skeleton that can take you into other lives to understand your karma or deep into your self to give insight into spiritual processes at work.
Orange elestial quartz is the type I’ve been working with lately for balancing and soul work. Orange elestial crystal is a rare type of quartz that they say is harder to find than rubies and emeralds! This ancient orange beauty contains high vibration quartz blended with hematite in it’s cracks. To me that symbolizes a chakra unification from the crown chakra down to the Earth Star chakras – where energies flow through the body and out towards the core of the Earth.
They say this crystal holds secrets waiting to be unlocked by your higher self and is considered an Atlantean stone of power that is prized by energy healers and light workers. It is believed to house divine angelic beings or guides that can help one to recall the wisdom teachings of Ancient civilizations to enhance spiritual growth. In addition to carrying the properties of Quartz, this crystal facilitates deep karmic release and brings about core soul healing. This is a crystal of deep transformation. It rapidly stimulates spiritual and personal evolution.
Many love this popular feldspar crystal! Labradorite is a great crystal to use for the solstice new moon because it shines out a colorful light spectrum from it’s gray surface. The labradoresence or “schiller effect” of labradorite comes from it’s sodium inclusions. Labradorite perfectly symbolizes light coming forth from the darkness and revealing what needs to be worked on. Labradorite is the literal rainbow after the storm crystal. At some angles it may look drab, but when turned the right way, it’s beauty shines forth.
This crystal urges you to see the bright side of things. To look at yourself and others and realize that not everyone is perfect, but they have an intended purpose for you to learn more about yourself. This Winter Solstice New Moon and labradorite work synergistically to help one reconsider their present moment, to take gratitude in what has occurred and to realize that new possibilities and opportunities exist. This crystal also works on all chakras and works multidimensionally which perfectly coincides with the theme of balance during this time. -
I started working with astrophyllite recently and I fell in love with it’s internal structure. Like labradorite, this crystal has to be turned and adjusted to appreciate it’s full coloration and mineral make-up.
Astrophyllite is a hydrous potassium iron titanium silicate mineral that may contain beautiful flashes of blue, black, gold. It can contain specks of deep red garnet, arfvedsonite and diopside. This colorful assemblage of minerals also unifies and activates the energies of all the chakras from top to bottom.
This crystal is mostly found in differing countries that are on higher latitudes like Norway, Russia and Greenland. Astrophyllite provides energetic alignment and allows one deep protection. They also say this crystal works great for EMF protection.I appreciate this crystal because it is mysterious and protective. Astrophyllite assists one with self-acceptance and self-forgiveness. It helps one understand their shadow self during the Winter Solstice New Moon time and allows one to accept who they are in order to move forward with more grounded confidence.
Black Amethyst
Lastly, black amethyst is another crystal I’ve been working with lately to balance light and dark, and connect the top chakras down to the base chakras. The hematite inclusions in this type of amethyst help to carry etheric energies from the Crown down through all chakras and out the Root and Earth Star.
The amethyst portion of this crystal provides purification through crystalline light transmission and provides overall healing for one’s auric layers. This type of amethyst doesn’t necessarily feel stronger, but for me it feels denser and heavier – as if it’s weighted to drive much needed light down through the light column of the body. If you want to learn more about black amethyst, check out this past article I wrote.
So overall, take time to focus during the Winter Solstice New Moon on the intentions you want to bring into the upcoming New Year. With the help of the suggested crystals above, notice what you want to balance in your life within your relationships, your work and your inner self. Understand the shadows and light in your life. What gets you up and down? Embrace all sides of yourself and realize now is a time where you can learn from all experiences and grow from them.
Use the returning light from this seasonal transition and moon phase to bring more clarity, joy and appreciation in your life. Journal your experiences from the time of this Winter Solstice New Moon period until the next upcoming full moon and see what changes may come about. You can rely on Mother Earth’s natural tools, her crystals, to help provide healing in your life and align your energies towards balance and awakening.