Crystal Manifestation With Planetary Energies
Knowing how to harness the electric, magnetic and gravitational energies of the Sun, Moon and Earth, can help boost your manifestation abilities. When you combine crystals and planetary energies into your manifestation work, you tap into a powerful intention building technique.
Because everything is made of energy, including yourself, you have the ability to manifest your intentions into this physical dimension.
Using crystals can help boost your intentions because of their stabilized energy. This knowledge has been known and used with success by ancient civilizations throughout time and space.
Here are a few ways to work with planetary energies to make your manifestation dreams come true:
Crystal Manifestation Using Lunar Energies
Work with the lunar energy of the moon.
Two major lunar times in the spiritual world are:
– The New Moon – the energies during this time are said to be for setting intentions of growth and attracting things you want to happen in your life.
– The Full Moon – the energies in this phase are known for releasing things in your life that no longer serve you for your highest good.
For myself personally, I prefer the Full Moon energies for any type of manifestation work. Reason being is, when the Moon is full, stronger galactic light is shone onto the planet, which is basically more Sun energies hitting the Moon and being reflected onto the Earth.
Observing my personal calendar notes, I’ve noticed more manifestations usually occur around the Full Moon. Have you noticed any differences yourself?
The Sun radiates electro-magnetic pranic energies that work with the gravitational and magnetic pull of the Earth and Moon. You can use these beneficial energies in conjunction with your energetic intentions to attract or release whatever your heart desires.
Call me an energetic rebel, but I don’t like rules… and rules that say when I can release and when I can attract. I feel that even though the Full Moon has the strongest energetic pull, one can manifest what they need at any time of the month. You are an energetic being. Own your inner power!
Here’s a simple Full Moon Crystal Manifestation technique that has worked for me:
I tried this for the recent Super Moon and boy did I feel some powerful energy, especially in my third eye!
What you’ll need:
3 crystals (tumbled or raw) and one crystal point (or any additional 4th crystal).
- I last used 3 smoky/citrine rutilated quartz tumbled crystals and one clear rutilated quartz point.
- Use your favorite manifestation crystals or whatever works for you. If you want to use more than 4 crystals total, follow your intuition!
1) I did this manifesting technique on the sand at the beach. Situate yourself on sand that is slightly wet from the waves, (but not too close where the water touches your feet. You’ll see why soon.) If you can do this on a Full Moon or even a Super Moon, that’s great! But if not, don’t let anything stop you from manifesting!
You can also do this outside on the ground/grass if possible (avoid asphalt pavement), and preferably barefoot so your energies are grounded to the Earth. *If you’re a germaphobe like me, don’t worry, you can wash your feet after you’re done!
2) Now take a couple deep breaths to get into a relaxed state of mind. Then set a mental intention of your desires. You can write it down before you go outside for this and/or visualize your intention in your mind as well.
3) Place 3 crystals on the ground in a triangle and a crystal or crystal point in the middle on the sand. (You can also use your own intuitively chosen arrangement if you feel called to do so.) If you’re using a point, stick it slightly into the ground/sand to draw the energy down.
Lately, Spirit has guided me to work with Smoky & Citrine Rutilated Quartz. These crystals have brought quick positive results in my business and personal life intentions. I’ve tried the common abundance crystals (like citrine, aventurine, pyrite, garnet, etc. that is much loved and used in the crystal world), but I have been extremely impressed with just using Smoky Citrine Rutilated Quartz alone for boosting my manifestation work.
The beauty and power of Smoky Rutilated Quartz is that the Smoky part clears all your fears and doubts of something “not” happening for you. Negative thoughts impede manifestation, so this quality is much needed in energy work. The Citrine, Golden Rutiles and Quartz components of this crystal type help boost solar plexus power and magnify the positive aspects of your intentions in laser like precision out into the ethers. You can also use Smoky Quartz, Citrine and Rutilated Quartz together if you don’t have Smoky/Citrine Rutilated Quartz crystals.
If you’ve read some of my past blogs, I’m a lover of crystals that serve multi purposes and specifically crystals that ground down spiritual energies from the upper chakras to the Earth Star chakra. This unification of energies from top to bottom help bring an overall balance to your energetic healing and manifestation needs.
4) Draw a merkaba (which is an electro magnetic energy field pattern which means light-spirit-body in Ancient Egyptian) around your crystals and place your hands over them to activate. You can also use the middle crystal or crystal point from your crystal grid to activate the energies further by tracing a energetic merkaba around the crystals. Remember to mentally state your intention, as well as feel the emotions of what would happen if your manifestation came true. Combining your third eye and heart energies will help magnify your intentions.

5) After your activation, grab two of the crystals in one hand and two in another and stand inside the merkaba you just drew on the sand or ground. Visualize the energies of your intentions passing into you from your upper chakras down into the Earth to materialize into your 3D world. Also visually imagine a 4D merkaba spinning around you to activate your light body and energize your intentions. Kind of like this:

If you’re by a beach doing this with the Moon above the water, imagine these energies going out into the water. (Water has energetic properties that can hold an intention as I noted in a past blog). Also, envision the light energies reflecting on the water radiating out to you to magnify your manifesting powers. Do this for however long you feel comfortable.
*The reason why I chose 4 crystals for this manifestation technique is because:
- It’s comfortable to hold 2 small crystals in each hand without having to worry about lugging so many outside or losing/dropping them.
- 4 crystals to represent the four points of a square, which in essence represents the cube in 3D form. The cube symbolizes building a foundation and grounding energies down to the 3D plane.
- When I created a triangle with the crystals, that also symbolizes “as above and so below” and the connection of spirit with the physical level. With manifestation, it starts with an idea in the etheric field that manifests into your reality.
6) Once you’re done, let nature do it’s thing. The tide will eventually rise to sweep away your drawn merkaba symbol on the ground and gather it’s intentions into the sea (that is if you’re doing this on the beach). If you’re doing this on the ground, just pick up your crystals and send gratitude to the Universe for all that you have and all that is to come.
I recommend you sleep with the crystals you used to manifest overnight to serve as a mental reminder of your intentions. Or carry them with you throughout the week.
***When I tried this manifestation technique my wishes came true upon waking up the next day! I had some monetary abundance occur and blockages released in things that I didn’t want in my life anymore. That is some quick wish granting right there from the Universe!
In a nutshell, you’re basically using the planetary pranic energies of sunlight and the gravitational pull between the Moon and the Earth to strengthen your manifestations (aka. thoughts which are basically energetic impulses) to attract what you desire. Easy peasy right? Try this out next time and let me know how it goes for you.
Crystal Manifestation Using Astrological Influence:
For those of you into astrology, knowing your natal and progressed astrological charts can help benefit you in your manifestation goals. By analyzing the placements of your Sun, Moon and Ascendant signs, you can use that knowledge to understand your life path purpose and choose crystals accordingly to benefit your needs.
Pay attention to the elements of your signs and use those energies to strengthen your manifesting abilities.
- Water: If you’ve got water signs in your chart, consider trying the beach side technique I noted above. Or try doing your manifestation work by a large body of flowing water. If you’re into Feng Shui, boost the North water sector of your home and consider a fountain or aquarium.
- Fire: If you’ve got fire signs, I prefer working with the Sun’s more potent pranic energies rather than candlelight. The Sun’s rays contain numerous energetic spectrums unseen to the human eye and have a greater reach across the planet to send your intentions into the ethers!
- Earth: If you have Earth signs, this one’s easy for all the crystal rock stars out there – work with crystals and ground yourself while setting your intentions! Meditate and sleep with your crystals to support your manifestation needs.
- Air: And lastly, for air signs, it’s as easy as going outside when the wind speed is up and wishing your intentions into the wind! Wind is composed of gas elements which is energetic matter. The wind travels around the globe and touches the numerous ley line energies up in the skies. Your intentions are energy and can merge with the energies invisible to the human eye in the skies above.
Here are the elemental energies associated with the zodiac signs:
- Aquarius – Air
- Pisces – Water
- Aries – Fire
- Taurus – Earth
- Gemini – Air
- Cancer – Water
- Leo – Fire
- Virgo – Earth
- Scorpio – Water
- Libra – Air
- Sagittarius – Fire
- Capricorn – Earth
*I’m not an expert astrologist, so if you need more info on your astrological chart, please check Google for this info online or visit If you do have a suggestion on astrological or astrologer sites, please leave a comment below to help others on their path! 🙂
So rock star, I hope some of these suggestions have sparked you to start setting those intentions. Work with your crystals allies to help your dreams come true!
Here’s a tune that serendipitously played on my Pandora that perfectly aligns with the topic of manifestation while I was writing this blog. The song (“Send It Out to the Universe” by Samantha James) also reminds me of when my late grandmother used to sing “Que Sera” when I was a kid – with the message of “Whatever will be, will be”. Let destiny take it’s course and things will fall into place for you. Listen to this tune to get some inspiration.
Thank you for spending some time on my blog today to get inspired on your manifestation goals! You can make things happen. Believe in your inner power!
Until next time, much love and blessings to you. 🙂