Healing with Ancient Fossil Crystal Seashells - Crystal Rock Star

Crystal Work with Crystallized Ancient Seashells

Using Crystallized Ancient Seashells

These are not just ordinary seashells that you find by the shoreline. These special seashells are millions of years old and have grown quartz crystal druzy inside them!

Spiralite Crystal Fossil Seashell

Here’s why these crystal seashells are special:

  • They were once submerged under the ancient ocean called, Tethys, that is now modern day India.
  • They possess a reverse counter-clockwise spiral on the top that can be indicative of the vortex spin during the time these formed or the area where they grew.
  • These were once living creatures that have become crystallized!
  • These seashells hold the frequency of the energy during the time frame they were formed. Water has been studied and proven that it holds frequencies.
  • They hold the organic DNA codes of the mollusks.
  • Much like many other crystals out there, they embody history and time within their crystal formative structure.
  • Their sacred geometrical spiral shape is found in nature and symbolizes the “cycle of things”.
  • The druzy mini quartz points within the seashell’s natural inner coil help radiate energy outwards and in a DNA-like spiral formation.
  • On an energy healing perspective, when used in crystal healing, the formative structure of the seashell assists with “reversing” and “moving” one’s energy back to the original state of perfection. The karmic clearing of the reverse spiral seashell rewinds to a time when energy was pure and unadulterated by current day pollution, emf, karmic trauma and toxicity.

Many parts of the Earth were once under water. Current mountainous areas were once under water and it is quite mind blowing to grasp the cycles of time that our planet has gone through. Did you know that seashells have been unearthed in the mountain tops of the Aspen area in Colorado? The crystallized ancient seashells mentioned in this article were also discovered under hilly high elevation areas too!

Spiralite Water Dragon Fossil Crystal Quartz Seashell Art Sculpted Metal Clay Pendant

Working with Crystallized Ancient Seashells

What You Will Need:

  1. A clear mind and a peaceful location for doing this healing session. Indoor ideas include: bedroom, meditation room, living room. Outdoor ideas include: a quiet spot at the beach, your fav nature or forest spot, a grassy meadow or park area.
  2. An intention for wellbeing, centering, balancing or whatever needs to be focused upon.
  3. Crystallized seashell. Read more about the types available for purchase below after these instructions.
  4. Tuning fork. Preferably one in the hertz frequency of the Schumann Resonance or a 432 hz fork. When you strike the tuning fork during this healing exercise, use the rubber puck or mallet that comes with your fork. Or you can use the side of your thigh to bump the fork and activate it.
  5. Ideally, practice this seashell healing on someone else first to get a hang of it. Once you are familiar with the motions, you can try doing it as a self-healing practice.

What to Do:

  • Choose a peaceful room or location to do this healing for someone else. Cleanse the space with sound or your choice method. Get different areas for clearing your space here and here.
  • This healing session can be performed laying down or standing up.
  • Hold the seashell in your receiving hand and the tuning fork in your dominant hand.

Part 1: Heart Chakra

  • Place the seashell above the heart chakra area (on the body on the center of the chest). Position the crystal seashell so that the top vortex coil area points upwards towards the head. The bottom pointy tip should point downwards towards the feet.
  • Strike the tuning fork and let it vibrate and release its sound waves above the seashell to activate it. Hold still until the sound waves dissipate. During this time, imagine light waves of energy opening the heart area.
  • Keep the seashell at the heart area. Then strike the tuning fork once and gently comb the vibrating tuning fork above the body, through the aura, starting from the top of the head and moving down to the feet.

Part 2: Chakra Alignment

  • Now pick up the seashell in your receiving hand. Position the seashell above the top of the head in one hand and hold the tuning fork in your dominant hand.
  • Remember to keep the crystal seashell aligned so that the top vortex coil area points upwards towards the head. The bottom pointy tip should point downwards towards the feet.
  • Strike the tuning fork. Steadily move and hover the seashell and tuning fork above each chakra from the top of the head towards the feet. Be mindful of positioning and quickly pause for a short moment above each chakra starting from the crown chakra, third eye chakra, throat chakra, heart chakra, solar plexus chakra, sacral chakra, root chakra and earth star chakra.

Part 3: Chakra Flow

  • Repeat part 2 again. But this time, use your wrist to move and “stir” the tuning fork in a downward and counter-clockwise rotational motion as you move down the chakra column to move the energy outwards. Follow the spiral formation of the seashell and visualize the energy also moving in that manner.
  • When you hold the seashell above each chakra, point the top spiral into the body, towards the chakra. The tip should point outwards away from the body.
  • Be careful not to hit or crack the seashell with the tuning fork when you do this.
  • The goal of Part 3 is to actively engage the spiral motion of the chakra with the spiral flow of the seashell, while also using the tuning fork to further enhance the counter clockwise spiral motion.
  • Repeat the motions, up and down the chakra column (while holding the seashell) until you feel the energy is lighter around your subject’s aura.

Part 4: Clearing Meditation

Once you have completed the exercise, do this short visualization meditation or read it out loud to your healing session participant.

With eyes closed, envision yourself at a beach laying on the sand near a tropical sea. A beautiful crystallized seashell is in your left hand and you hold it against your heart. You are close to the waves lapping up on the shoreline. The water temperature is warm and inviting.

Now imagine a gentle slow and shallow wave approaching you. It comes up to you and greets your body with a warm rush of energy. It is there to gather any trauma, emotional baggage, energetic hooks and low vibrations that have accumulated in your chakras and energy body. The wave energizes your aura and cleanses you from the salt within the water.

Thank the sea for its strength, its power and its ability to heal.

Now open your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale.

Sit in silence and rest for a few moments as needed. Contemplate any thoughts that may have come up during your healing. Feel free to add them to your journal for future introspection.

Spiralite Rainbow Aura Quartz Crystal Fossil Seashell Pendant - Pisces Mermaid Necklace - Crystal Rock Star

Three Kinds of Crystallized Seashells Available

Pearlescent Crystal Seashell

At the time of writing this blog, there is only one of this natural style in beautiful ring form. To use this in healing work, simply wear the ring on the left hand and hold the tuning fork on the right hand. Remove the ring and place over the heart as needed.

You can view the Crystal Seashell Ring HERE >

Crystal Healing Seashell Spiralite Fossil Crystallized Shell Ring - Size 7.5 Sterling Silver - Crystal Rock Star Jewelry

Rainbow Aura Crystal Seashell

This colorful version is enhanced with a metal application of platinum and silver elements to amplify the Quartz’s healing effects. Available in pendant form as a portable crystal healing tool.

Choose your favorite Rainbow Crystal Seashell HERE >

Rainbow Aura Crystal Seashell Crystallized Shell Mermaid Surfer Pendant - Healing Jewelry Gift - Crystal Rock Star

Mermaid Titanium Aura Crystal Seashell

If you’re a lover of the oceans and deep blue seas, consider this peacock blue, purple and green toned version. This mermaid inspired seashell is enhanced with the element of Titanium that boosts the Quartz crystal energies in the seashell. If you’re looking for a healing tool with a stronger punch, consider the Titanium variation of the crystallized seashell. These are currently available in pendant form for convenient wear-as-you-go purposes.

Pick your fav Mermaid Treasure Crystal Seashell HERE >

Titanium Rainbow Aura Crystal Healing Fossil Seashell Crystallized Shell Mermaid Pendant - Crystal Rock Star - Surfer Girl Pisces Jewelry