Crystal Energy Jewelry Tips for Festival Goers
Every year across America and other parts of the world, party goers congregate to celebrate life, music and dance.
Music and yoga festivals abound during the warmer months of the year and are growing in popularity for the music and yoga culture. To name a few, here are some of the popular festivals across America: Wanderlust Yoga Festival, Lightning in a Bottle, Coachella, Winter Music Conference or WMC, Electric Daisy Carnival or EDC, Digital Dreams Music Festival and Burning Man.
I’ve been to a few festivals in the past few years. While they offer excitement, unforgettable memories and a chance to lose a ton of calories in one weekend (because of the hours of dancing that can occur!), these type of events can take a toll on your personal energy. Festivals are usually an all day event that can extend into the wee hours of the night. Being constantly on the go and surrounded by the energies of thousands of other people meshing together can make you tired (especially if you like to party drug-free like me). Also, if you’re an empathic type person, being amongst so many people can also be quite taxing.
But worry no more! Crystals are coming to the party and can boost and protect your energy!

Here are some Crystal Energy Jewelry Tips for Festival Goers:
The good thing about crystals is that they can be carried in pockets, pouches or worn as fun useful jewelry to give you an energetic boost!
Here are some quick crystal tips for you festival goers on the types of crystals you may want to rock the next time you find yourself at a festival surrounded by thousands of people enjoying love, light and sound!
Rock this crystal for energy and stamina if you plan on doing multiple yoga sessions, staying up for hours and hours dancing and frolicking, and to socialize with friends while basking in the sunshine!
Lapis Lazuli
Boosts confidence so you can chat with new people and make new friends. Also provides energetic aura protection and third eye intuitive wisdom (who doesn’t want that?!).
This iron based crystal provides grounding (in case things get a little crazy!) and helps you to get down to Earth while protecting you from negative nellies.
The happy stone! Stay optimistic, joyous and blissful during the festival despite the overcrowded environment, stinky porta-potties and sometimes strange individuals you may encounter at these events.
Rose Quartz
The love stone <3 Wear this crystal to “wear your heart on your sleeve”, celebrate “you” with self-love and to attract love (for those looking for it!). Who knows? Maybe you may meet your soul mate or twin flame on the dance floor or next yoga session!
Wear or carry amethyst to purify and protect you from any negative energies from others. Since you’re there to have fun, amethyst will be your crystal armor, deflecting away any nasty attitudes. Sometimes dance floors get crowded and people get a little testy if you bump into them! Also, if you do plan on sleeping at all, amethyst can help provide relaxation and restful sleep so you can start all over for more fun the next day!
Most of the fashion worn at these types of festivals can range from boho to eclectic. The good thing is there are no rules, so you can rock whatever your heart desires.
You can wear any of the crystals above and mix & match your jewelry depending on your needs.
Some crystal jewelry ideas include:
- stacked bracelets
- pendants
- earrings
- a crystal headdress
- crystal headband
- crystal belly band
- rings
- ankle bracelets
- or simply carry a tumbled crystal or two in your pocket or purse.
*If you choose the latter, just be careful you don’t lose your stones if you end up dancing too crazy!
If you’re heading to a festival soon, share a comment below and tell us what favorite crystal jewelry you like to rock at these events! If you haven’t worn crystals to a festival yet, tell us which one(s) you’d like to rock at an upcoming festival!
Check out the list of festivals happening across the country in this >> handy guide << click it!
Remember to rock your crystals, have fun and dance like no one’s watching!! Until next time… Here are few more throwback pics of past festivals and parties I’ve had a blast at! Thanks for stopping by my blog!