Create A Crystal Spa Experience
Just recently, I decided to check out a local spa in Los Angeles called, WiSpa, that has a heated Jade healing room, a heated Himalayan Salt room, heated Clay room and other crystal related healing activities and services. Because of my love for crystals, I couldn’t turn down a crystal spa experience to start off the year!
First of all, this spa is open 24 hours! Yes, that is a total bonus for all the night owls and late night revelers who are looking for some zen and relaxation in a city with a population of over 10 million! WiSpa has multiple floors, including one belonging exclusively for women, another for men, and also a co-ed floor where couples, friends and family can congregate together to share the spa experience.
If you’d like to check this place out and if you’ve never been to a Korean type spa, prepare to slay all your insecurity dragons the moment you get to the locker and dressing areas. No clothing allowed (in the women’s section that is -or the mens section if you’re a guy). You, yes, only you, are there to drop all inhibitions and cleanse your mind and body.
This is my second time trying out this type of spa (the first time, I was totally surprised and caught off guard since it’s not the typical American type spa where you can wear a bathing suit!), and I decided to muster up the courage, while practicing respectful “tunnel vision”. This meant, no staring and just focus on where you need to go! lol After a few hours in this environment, you become comfortable in your own skin… because no one really cares. Perhaps they peek, but it just feels like everyone’s accepting that everyone’s human and has a body.
*In the co-ed areas however, they supply you with a t-shirt and shorts. So if you don’t feel like romping around in your birthday suit, you can just hang in all the crystal healing spa rooms clothed and with more peace of mind.
When you go to a spa like this, in the main naked gender areas, you basically shower, take dips in multiple temperature baths from warm -> hot -> cold, then you can do it all again or roam upstairs to the various healing rooms. The co-ed floor also has a restaurant where I tried a huge tasty bowl of shaved ice with mochi, strawberries, kiwis, mandarin oranges and other fruit!
So let me tell you about each of the crystal healing heated spa rooms I tried…
Himalayan Salt Healing Room
To start off my crystal spa experience, this was the first healing room I entered and there were chunks of pink Himalayan salt covering the entire floor surrounding a brick runway in the middle for easy walking. The walls were also lined with Himalayan salt brick tiles. You basically take your large towel, drape it on a spot over the salt and lay down in the heat to sweat and purify your body. Think of it like laying on the sand on the beach, but instead it’s larger rocks. The salt pebbles in the room had smooth edges so it didn’t hurt to lay on them.
Because this is a public spa, I recommend doing some mental protective healing bubbles to protect your own aura. When I was in the Salt room, I set a mental intention for all energies not serving me in a healing way to exit the room through the vents and out the building!
Himalayan salt is a crystalline mineral made of sodium and chlorine that contains traces of iron oxide (hence it’s pink color), calcium, magnesium and potassium. Did you know that back in the day the Romans used salt as currency? Interestingly, African and European explorers used to trade salt and gold at equal value!
Salt (and not the iodized crappy salt you get at chain restaurants) is an essential nutrient that has healing properties of maintaining your cardiovascular, muscular and nervous systems. Metaphysically, it’s an excellent crystal for purification of unwanted energies and a strong protection crystal.
As I lay on the Himalayan salt pebbles, I envisioned the crystal energies swooping past my aura, picking up the unwanted energies and stress, and exiting out the air vents. The room was over 90 degrees fahrenheit, so I only stayed a few minutes before grabbing some water to hydrate.
Jade Healing Room

This crystal spa room was the primary reason I wanted to check out the WiSpa. When I stepped inside, there were bamboo type mats covering the floor. The walls were lined with amethyst, rose quartz, aventurine and agate. There were rough light green rocks higher up on the wall. I can only speculate they were jade, but couldn’t confirm completely unless those stones were tested with lapidary equipment.
Jade is a tricky crystal that is often mistaken for green aventurine, serpentine or prehnite. The funny thing is, there were a lot of crystals missing from the crystal mosaic lined walls (as you can see in the photo above from Yelp). Particularly the darker green aventurine, which people probably thought were jade. Seeing the missing pieces of crystal from the walls felt kind of disappointing since past visitors probably pried them off and stole them. Although the concept of the crystal walls of this room was cool, I didn’t really vibe with it. I think I was more interested in inspecting the crystals on the walls so I didn’t stay long in there.
To have a bathroom lined at home in my own personal space with crystals would be a different story I think. Being in a public spa where I’m not sure whether any of the crystals in that room were ever smudged makes me wonder. Being an empath, I just didn’t feel right and it didn’t feel quite healing in there… but that’s just me I guess.
Clay Healing Room

The clay room was pretty interesting. Imagine the kids play room at Chuckie Cheese where they have those plastic ball “pools” for romping. This room had tiny clay balls all over the floor and you basically wade through it ankle deep until you find a spot you want to lay down on. Stepping on these mini balls felt kind of weird and they are quite warm as well. You take your towel and lay on the warm red clay balls. There were t.v. screens in the room and a few people were in there relaxing or reading newspapers.
This room felt very calm and grounding – which I liked. Medicinal clay was recorded to be used in ancient Mesopotamia. Clay is known to have healing properties of purification and removing toxins out of the body. The red clay in this healing room is also strongly known for helping with detoxification.
Other Crystal Spa Activities
- In this spa, I also noticed a bowl of salt and toothbrushes where one can brush their teeth with salt. I didn’t personally try it, but some have said that brushing your teeth with salt provides mineralization, disinfects and strengthens teeth.
- This spa also offer brown sugar or mineral salt massages.
- Lastly, they have an Ice Sauna to cool off in from the hot healing rooms. Rods of crystallized ice surround the walls as you sit down for a few minutes to feel less heated.
How to Create Your Own Crystal Spa Experience
So if you’re not in the Los Angeles area and want to have your own crystal spa experience at home, here are some ideas for you to try!
Salt Lamp Glow
Create the ambiance of a crystal spa, by getting a himalayan salt lamp at a local shop or online to put in your bedroom. I have an extra large salt lamp in my bedroom to purify the room and bring a warm healing glow for color therapy. It also works as a good night light.
Take a Salt Bath or Scrub
Purchase some natural epsom salt or bath salts of your choice (try finding one with only natural organic ingredients, instead of the ones laden with chemicals and perfumes). Fill up your bathtub with warm water and add your salt inside. Feel free to add a few drops of lavender essential oil for relaxation or rose essential oil for self-love. If you have a favorite amethyst or rose quartz polished stone or sphere, you can keep that in the water as well to infuse it with crystal energetic properties. If you don’t want to do a bath, take a shower with a crystal scrub.
Pamper Yourself with a Clay Mask
I like using green Bentonite clay mixed with a little bit of apple cider vinegar. Mix that in a non-metal bowl with a non-metal spoon and apply it to your face for 10-15 minutes. The clay pulls out impurities from your skin and will leave your face feeling smooth with a nice glow.
Sip on Gem Elixir Water
During your at home crystal spa experience, remember to hydrate! The easiest way to ingest crystal healing energy is to take a glass cup of spring water and pop a quartz based crystal in it that has been cleansed before hand. Quartz based crystals are safest since other crystals may have toxic elements in them that you don’t want to ingest. I would stick to these top picks to play it safe:
- Amethyst – For purification, calming and relaxation
- Quartz – For general healing and energy boosting
- Rose Quartz – For releasing stress, self-love and compassion
- Aventurine – For healing and manifestation
- Citrine – For happiness, prosperity and courage
- Carnelian – For energy boosting, sensuality and to help ease pain during that time of the month for women
- Blue Lace Agate or Chalcedony – For serenity, relaxation and healing throat issues
- Red Jasper – For grounding, motivation and healing
The crystal healing set in my shop has a few of the choices above. You can also use crystal chip bracelets and wrap it around your cup to infuse crystal etheric energy into the water.
Self-Massage with Crystals
The easiest way to ease some tension in your muscles is to do a self massage with polished crystals you may already have at home. Spheres, eggs and palm stone shaped crystals work best since they are smooth and have a relatively larger surface area to easily hold and apply pressure to your skin.
Rubbing the crystal on the K-1 point of your foot can help activate and release energies. Google that spot at the bottom of your foot to learn more. If you’re lucky to have a partner or friend around, ask them to rub your back and shoulders with the crystal. For palm stones, you can do a facial toning massage by rubbing the crystal in upward and light rotating motions on your face after cleansing it. For types of crystals to use, I would recommend the list I gave above that are quartz based.
Moisturize with Crystal Energy
After your bath or after you take a daily shower, tone and strengthen the largest organ of your body with crystalline energy. I personally love using the gem oils I create as a body moisturizer. The essential oils blended with gem essences help keep my skin youthful and soft! I have differing varieties of oils in the shop, but the customer fav beauty oil is my Eterna Elixir oil.
One day I’d love to have my own crystal spa with way more options than the ones I experienced at WiSpa. And should that dream come true, I will definitely let all your crystal rockers know for sure!
Until next time, take some time to give yourself proper self-care and self-healing so that you have more of you and your gifts to give to this world! Much love and keep shining rock stars!