Increase Your Vibration with a Beach and Crystal Vacation! Part 1
So this is the Part 1 of my Increase Your Vibration with a Beach and Crystal Vacation blog article series! This year is all about raising your energetic vibration. When you live from the heart with love and positive energy, you can expect to see better health, vitality, moods and overall well-being! A few weeks ago, I wrote about a particular crystal beach article and it sparked me to keep going. If you’re planning a tropical vacation for the Spring Break season or later on this year, you’re in the right place.
With this article, I want to focus on why beach destinations are excellent places to tune into the Earth and crystal energy for your next vacation. If you’re into crystals, earthing or looking for tips to increase your vibration, here are some fun ideas to consider for your next trip or vacation planning session:
STEP 1: Choose a Crystal Beach (or Sand Dune)!
Beaches are a crystal rock star’s paradise! Why so? The beaches surrounding the edges of our continents come in different types of mineral formations.
Check out these different types of crystal beaches:
– Silica sand beaches are made of the second most abundant element on earth and silica is one of the main derivates of quartz. Whitehaven Beach in Australia and Siesta Key Beach in Florida are great examples. Read more about them in this article here.

– Sand dunes made out of gypsum (what Selenite is made of) can be found at the White Sands National Monument in New Mexico. This is an option if you don’t want to go to the beach.

– Calcium Carbonate and Aragonite type beaches made from the pulverized remains of fossilized coral and sea shells. These white beaches are primarily found in the Caribbean. Check out the beautiful colored pink one below from brightly colored red shells.

– Obsidian, magnetite and volcanic basalt type dark sand beaches. Examples: Black sand beaches in Hawaii and Greece.

– Need some healing or want to boost your heart chakra? Green sand beaches can be found in Hawaii, France and Nevada that contain green crystals like chlorite, glauconite, olivine, serpentine and epidote.

Step 2: Your Crystals Are Coming Along!
Whether you decide to fly, drive or take a boat to your crystal sand destination, remember to pack a mini crystal travel pouch to help you get to your destination frazzle-free! Now we all know that travel planning and packing can get a bit stressful, especially if there are travel delays or if you’re traveling with family. Consider bringing your favorite crystals with you on vacation to help alleviate your stress and balance your emotions and moods.
Tips for your Crystal Travel Pack:
1) Mind Matters. Amethyst, lepidolite and selenite can bring about optimism, relieve headaches and keep your mind straight with all the things you need to remember for your trip.
2) Ground, ground and ground some more. Whichever travel method you take, you will need to take some grounding crystals.
Airports have harmful radiation scanning devices (try to avoid them if possible with the manual pat down) and flying high up in the sky exposes you to high risk radiation since you’ll be further away from the Earth’s frequency (aka. Schumann Resonance). If you’re in a road vehicle, the tires will keep you elevated from the ground for a few hours, and if you’re on a boat, you’re floating on water. The point is, you will have a moment of time away from the Earth to stay grounded before you get to your destination (that is unless you live by the beach and just walk there).
Some good crystals to use for staying grounded include:
1) Black Tourmaline (aka Schorl)
2) Hematite
3) Shungite
3) Protection. When traveling, always take precaution. If you’re going somewhere foreign, new or if you can’t speak the language, always use common sense, preparedness and take a translation book or app with you. If you’re empathic, you may be in areas where there are lots of people around, and this may affect your energy levels and make you feel energetically drained. Be sure to bring some protection crystals with you like those listed below to protect you from any negative energies:
1) Labradorite
2) Nuummite
3) Garnet
4) Merlinite
4) Energy for the day and restful sleep at night. Let’s face it, sometimes vacations can get exhausting if you have to juggle an itinerary of activities and take care of kids or others on the trip. Try out these crystals in your travel pack to give you the stamina you need to enjoy your day, while also helping you get some good rest at night:
1) Carnelian, quartz and citrine will give you boosts of energy and motivation. Carry these once you’re at your destination or if you’re in a car to help keep you awake while driving. If you’re going to be on the plane or by the radiation scanners, I would suggest keeping any quartz type stones away from you during that time.
2) Amethyst, sodalite, lepidolite and howlite can help you rest easy while traveling if you find it hard to sleep on the plane or as a passenger in the car.
When I travel, I usually take a small zip pouch or mini make-up bag and pack my crystal essentials. The crystals I need while traveling in an airplane or vehicle are usually close by me in my purse or as jewelry. The last time I flew, I made the mistake of not opting out from the radiation scanner due to time constraints and boy did I feel the pain in my heart chakra once I was up in the sky! I had to hold my grounding protection crystal to my chest and do an inner healing meditation while in flight. If you’re empathic or when your energetic vibration is higher, you can become more sensitive to these things.
*UPDATE – Click here to read Part 2 of Increase Your Vibration with a Beach and Crystal Vacation!
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