The Best Cymatics Music Video I’ve Ever Seen!
If you only have time to watch one thing today, I highly suggest you watch this rock star music video involving cymatics! When I first viewed Nigel Stanford’s artistic interpretation, my mind and soul were blown away.
If you’re not familiar with what cymatics is about, here is a brief definition from Wikipedia:

Crystal Vibrations and Cymatics
During my earlier vibrational healing and crystal therapy studies, cymatics was an exciting and constant topic of discussion. Everything that exists in this universe, all matter, has a frequency and vibration. This includes the sounds captured in space, your own personal vibration, the vibration present in crystals and crystal sound bowls, and the different colored frequencies found in light.
Because your own frequency is unique, this can help you better understand why some people like certain types of music and songs, but to your ears it may annoy the heck out of you. This resonant frequency also explains why some crystals’ energies may remedy other people’s health issues, but may not make any significant difference for you.
When you read about different crystal properties online, it’s ok to learn and absorb the information out there, but make the experience of “getting to know your crystals” your own. Test out if you “feel” anything physically, emotionally or mentally. Notice any differences you may feel at the current moment or within the next few days. Some crystals that feel amazing to some, may not feel so spectacular to others. Let your intuition and gut feelings guide you. Make your soul experience your own by working with crystals and vibrational healing methods that you resonate with most.
But back to the topic of cymatics…
In the studies of cymatics, there are a slew of videos found on YouTube that reveal sacred geometric patterns and shapes when certain notes and frequencies are played. Sacred geometry is found everywhere in nature and even in the structure of crystals!
Nigel Stanford’s video brilliantly shows the dynamic properties that vibrational frequencies can impart on different types of matter. He even pays homage to the brilliant, Nikola Tesla, who once said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Watch the video now and leave a comment below on what you think about it!