
Lemurian Quartz Crystals

What makes Lemurian quartz crystals special from regular quartz crystals?

Here’s a quick list of their properties:

  • Lemurian crystals are quartz crystals found only in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Although other quartz is found here, Lemurian crystals are unique in that they possess ridged striations that appear on the shaft(s). These ridges are said to hold ancient knowledge that can be accessed via meditation and establishing a personal connection with the crystal. The ridges can appear on all shaft faces, every other shaft face, or on a few shaft faces only.
  • Some Lemurians are frosted or clear. Also, some people call Lemurian crystals: Lemurian Seed Crystals and Lemurian Star Seed Crystals.
  • They say Lemurian crystals are found unattached to any matrix. Instead, they are embedded in sand with points all facing each other in a circle. Pink Lemurian type crystals are found in pink sand containing lithium or iron. Stories say that the ancient Lemurians placed these crystals in the ground for others to find and receive their embedded knowledge of wisdom and healing.
  • Lemurian crystals come in different shades and variations. Check out this informative video from my influential teacher, Hibiscus Moon, who recently delved into varieties of Lemurian crystals including citrine, clear, pink and smokey:

A quick list on how to work with a Lemurian Quartz Crystal:

  • Use a few in a crystal grid to help boost your grid’s purpose. Point the crystal points outwards to radiate it’s energy out into the universe.
  • Use a Lemurian crystal to activate your crystal grid.
  • Meditate with a personal Lemurian quartz piece and see what images, thoughts or messages may unfold. Journal your messages.
  • Sleep with a Lemurian by your bed or under your pillow to receive wisdom and insight during your dream state.
  • Create a Lemurian crystal gem elixir.
  • Wear a Lemurian pendant to give you energy and impart energetic healing.

Some photos of Lemurian Quartz Crystals:

8 sided faced grounding clear Lemurian crystal
Pink Lemurian Crystal
Pink Lemurian in the Sand

Do you have a Lemurian crystal and have you had any interesting experiences with them? Please share in a comment below!